今年,空中客车智慧通过ag万博官网突出科技的鼓舞人心庆祝国际妇女节。遇见Daiva Gardner,他们在科罗拉多州堡垒堡,科罗拉多州领导了软件工程团队,并听到它是一个由男性主导的行业的女人。


我在科罗拉多州堡垒管理软件工程团队。I’ve been in this position since 2009. Prior to this role, I worked for HP and then Agilent, starting as an intern in the IT department when I was in college, then moving into a corporate-level role with oversight of Agilent’s softwareengineering tools and processes across the company. I grew up in Alaska, went to Stanford, graduated with a BS in Computer Science on my 31st birthday, and have two sons (ages 27 and 10) and two granddaughters (ages 6 and 2).

Daiva Gardner  - 工程经理 - 空中客车防御和空间ag万博官网


当我从高中毕业时,我不知道我想学习 - 我只知道我不希望它与数学或科学有关,因为我觉得我不擅长技术科目。


When I went back to school, I was a single mother, working part-time, in the computer science department at Stanford, which was full of 20-year-old geniuses (mostly young men) who didn’t have the distractions of children or jobs, so it wasn’t an easy path. My son, who was three at the time, spent many hours playing with Hot Wheels under my desk in the computer lab. Maybe he didn’t have a choice at the time, but my son’s support may have been the most important to my success during that period!



我实际上被I-Cubed聘请了2009年,这是一家小公司,专注于地理空间图像的应用。多年来,空中客车获得了对I-CUag万博官网BED的一部分兴趣,然后最终提出了全面的收购。所以我的团队和我没有选择加入空中客车 - 我们成为空中客车!ag万博官网但是,我一直很高兴事情原因如此,是这是一个令人兴奋和动态的公司的一部分。


I don’t know that I can point to specific problems, but there have been many times when I’ve wondered if the fact that I was a woman in a room full of men focused on a technical discussion had an effect on the dynamic of the conversation, or the reception of my input. And if I’m being honest, it probably did.



相信你的本能和你的判断。It’s highly likely that there’s a good reason why you are in the role you’re in. The insights and perspectives that women bring to the table can provide valuable contributions that can be notably and importantly different, so don’t be shy about bringing them forward! And if your inputs are not well received, don’t let that silence you.


作为经理,我的意图一直是向我报告的人中最好的 - 尽我所能让他们感到支持,并觉得我投入了成功。我希望他们知道我是“在他们的角落里”。

